Big studies
Big Studies is a multi-disciplinary approach to project-based learning linked to an overarching theme for the whole school to respond to for the duration of half a term.
The projects are carried out in class groups and encompass a broad spectrum of learning that covers history, geography, religious studies, politics and current affairs among others. Aside from gaining knowledge on the topic being explored, Big Studies also aims to draw links between the subject being researched and its broader implications in society.
Big Studies’ methodology is one that sees our students conducting their research through active collaboration and collective questioning during class discussions. From this, students will later use these finding to develop their thinking, formulate relevant questions and eventually conduct research.
At the end of each half term the groups are granted an opportunity to present their findings before the school community of pupils, parents and teachers in what is known as the Big Share. This presentation can assume a myriad of forms; from a piece of creative writing, to a presentation or even an exhibition – the result is always a spectacle to behold.